How To Run Payroll in Uganda
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How To Run Payroll in Uganda

Sep 6th, 2023

How To Run Payroll in Uganda


A Comprehensive Guide to Running Payroll in Uganda


Expanding your business to Uganda can be a rewarding endeavor due to the country's economic growth and burgeoning workforce. However, navigating the intricacies of Ugandan payroll can be a daunting task for any organization. To ensure smooth operations and compliance with local labor laws, it's crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of payroll processes in Uganda. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of running payroll in Uganda, with a focus on using FaidiHR to simplify the process and ensure compliance.

Understanding Ugandan Payroll

Before delving into the specifics, it's essential to grasp the key components of payroll in Uganda:

  1. Compensation: Uganda recently increased its minimum wage to UGX 130,000 ($34.76) per month. Beyond meeting this minimum, competitive rates are essential to attract and retain top talent.
  2. Working Hours: A regular workweek in Uganda consists of 48 hours spread across eight hours per day.
  3. Overtime Laws: Overtime is limited to two hours per day or eight hours per week, with employees paid at 150% of their base rate (200% for work on holidays).
  4. Social Security: Contributions to Uganda's national social security fund are split between employees (5%) and employers (10%) based on the employee's gross earnings.
  5. Leave Policies: Uganda mandates 30 days of sick leave with full pay and an additional 30 days with half pay per year. New mothers are entitled to 60 working days of paid maternity leave, while fathers receive four working days of paid paternity leave.
  6. Public Holidays: Uganda observes several public holidays, each with its own significance, including New Year's Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, and Christmas Day.
  7. Payroll Taxes: Income tax in Uganda is calculated progressively based on pay rate, with different tax brackets for residents and non-residents.

Running Payroll in Uganda with FaidiHR

FaidiHR is your strategic partner for simplifying and streamlining the payroll process in Uganda. Here's a step-by-step guide to running payroll efficiently:

  1. Pre-payroll Phase
  1. Setting the Organization Profile: Begin by establishing your organization's profile, including identification numbers, business registrations, and tax-related details. This information is crucial for document submissions, tax forms, and payslips.
  2. Standardizing Leave Policies: Develop a clear and compliant leave policy that aligns with local labor laws. Properly defined policies prevent complications during wage calculations.
  3. Creating an Attendance Policy: A transparent attendance policy is essential for accurate wage computation. Ensure it covers overtime, half-days, and all necessary attendance-tracking tools.
  4. Incorporating Statutory Components: Local labor laws dictate certain statutory components that must be included in your company policy to avoid penalties and legal fees.
  5. Balancing Salary Components: Consider factors like base rate, deductions, and bonuses when determining worker salaries. Comply with mandated minimums while aligning with internal policies.
  6. Establishing a Pay Schedule: Payroll frequency varies in Uganda, with employees expecting payment every two weeks or monthly. Adapt your pay schedule to local norms and labor practices.
  7. Collecting Employee Information: Efficiently gather and validate employee data during the pre-payroll phase to ensure a smooth payroll process.


  1. Payroll Calculation Phase

During this phase, FaidiHR's automation and calibration ensure accurate wage computation. The platform efficiently processes payroll data, including salaries, deductions, and taxes, streamlining the process and minimizing errors.

  1. Post-payroll Phase
  1. Salary Payments: Initiate salary disbursement by sending payment advice to your bank or payment processor through FaidiHR.
  2. Payroll Accounting: Perform internal accounting tasks to track employee salaries and ensure financial compliance.
  3. Payroll Reporting and Compliance: Fulfill external reporting requirements by submitting invoices and tax forms to relevant government agencies, maintaining compliance with local regulations.



Running payroll in Uganda can be a complex process, given the country's labor laws and regulations. However, with FaidiHR as your trusted partner, you can simplify and streamline the entire payroll process. By understanding the nuances of Ugandan payroll and leveraging FaidiHR's capabilities, you can ensure compliance, accuracy, and efficiency in paying your remote team members in Uganda. As you expand your international teams, FaidiHR provides the expertise needed to navigate local employment legislation, taxation, and benefits seamlessly, allowing you to focus on your core business activities and growth.