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People First then processes

La Palati Apartments, Ruaka, Along Limuru road, Kiambu.
You can access the platform online via internet using any browser.
No! every email address must be unique.
No. You can sign up and cancel the subscription anytime. No long term commitments
You can still add them to the platform and update their details later when they are available.
No! the platform is offered on a monthly subscription model.
Go to employee Profile and click on Edit, scroll down to Employment status> select Confirmed then Save.
Simply go to terminated employee’s column and click Onboard.
Employees account only shows their personal information i.e their Bio data, Leave analyses, Payslips and P9 reports, any project/tasks and Role assigned to them.
We have 3 ways of adding employees to the system: a) Import employees Which has attached a template here in CSV format. This helps you copy and paste in or fill in your data, save it in CSV format, and then upload it. Mandatory fields are names and ID numbers, but it's necessary to fill in basic information like statutory pins, bank details, and gender. b) Add employee shortcut Enables you to fill in basic information like names, phone numbers, and email addresses. Then you can edit biodata later. c) Add employees advancedThis enables you to onboard entire employees' comprehensive data. This has mandatory fields that must be filled. If you don’t have the entire data, you should use either of the two above then you can edit pending data as you receive it.
The system allows each employee to update their bio data via employees thenMy profile. But this has to be done under Hr’s permission. And Hr or admin can edit employees' biodata under employee management and thenView employees. Click view/edit the employee profile you want to edit then edit profile.
Yes, as a manager you can send bulk emails to all employees or only a few selected. This saves you time and creates efficiency as well as keeping records of your emails. This is done under employees' management then send bulk emails then send emails.
System allows employees to apply for leave on the app or website here by selecting if they are applying for half day, If yes they select yes; but default is for full day thus no. They select the date from and date to followed by nature of leave, hand over employees then supervisor and Hr.
System allows procedural leave approval. As a supervisor, you to go leave then supervisor approval. Where you can either approve multiple using approve all, or one at a time using Approve/Decline. Use HR/Director approval as a human resource and follow the above steps.
The system allows the company to create departments, designations, and branches under others then global Configs. You simply click on what you want to add say branch then create.
System allows companies to have accrual leave policy so that employees can only utilize leaves they have gained/accrued. To create accrue, under payroll then General params, create a new param called ACCRUE and item value 1. Then a second param and call it LEAVEDAYS and item value 1.75.
Yes, system allows each company to customize leaves as per their company policies. This can be done under others then Leave types. Where you update leave types that are gender-based like maternity to specific genders, and if to use calendar days or not. If management has different leave days this can be updated on their various designation under Global configs then Designation.
For fixed variable codes, you only post once either while onboarding employees or after. For variable codes we have 3 options to help you post. i. Post by employee This allows you to post to one employee after the other by selecting employee, transpayroll code then amount and save. You repeat the same process to all employees until you exhaust all. ii. Post by payroll code This allows you to post to one payroll code after the other. Where you select the payroll code, the add employee, and the respective amount. A green button will enable you to add more employees while red is for deleting. You add all the employees then post. iii. Bulk posting This allows you to create an Excel sheet with name, ID and amount then proceed to upload to the system. This works well when you want to post for sundry employees.
The system allows you to update Date settings to capture the correct current payroll period. This is only done once after that system auto update the current and next period once you close the period. Under payroll, then date settings, Update the date that has Month/year. Where you update current period with current month/current year, previous you update the previous month then next should be next month
Once you close payroll and you realize you have an error to correct, you simply go to payroll then recalculate payroll, then below the table you click on reverse closed period to re open it. Make a correction either using post by employee, by payroll code or bulk posting then go to close payroll period then close period again.
System allows you to enable or disable statutory reports to several or one employee. This can be done under others then Statutory exemptions. Select employee/user, or select all, select the statutory code then either exempt/disable or enable. Also you can disable to a specific employee under employees, view employees then view/edit, edit profile. Below the bio data you can select to enable or exempt any statutory.
System generates reports once you close the period, and it auto opens the new period. To generate any report either statutory or administrative report, go to payroll then payroll reports. Click on any report you want then select period to filter the payroll period. Each report can be downloaded either as csv, excel, pdf or printed.
Yes, we have a mobile app that can be downloaded from Google Play Store.
FaidiHR is accessible via the internet using any common browser such as Mozilla, Google Chrome and Safari. Alternatively, you can download the FaidiHR mobile app from Google Play Store.
Yes, FaidiHR supports multiple user accounts, so HR teams, managers, and employees can all access the app with appropriate permissions. You can assign roles and control access levels to ensure secure and efficient use across your organization.
If you've forgotten your password, simply go to the FaidiHR login screen and click on the "Forgot Password" link. Follow the instructions to reset your password via email or mobile verification.
If you need assistance, our customer support team is ready to help! You can contact us through the app’s help section or visit our support website for FAQs, tutorials, and contact details for personalized support.
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